Web Excursions are select bookmarks from my travels around the interwebs, because I'm always thinking about you while discovering other people's cool stuff. You mean that much to me. You can see all of my (public) bookmarks on my LinkDing, and visit the bookmarks archive for curated lists across the last few years.

Web excursions brought to you in partnership with Setapp. Get access to hundreds of Mac and iOS apps for one low monthly subscription fee.

Hazel Field Guide – MacSparky
MacSparky (David Sparks) has released a new Video Field Guide focusing on Hazel, an amazing tool for automating file management. Currently $19.99, and worth every penny, even if you already think you know what Hazel can do.
Pay What You Want: Spring 2016 Mac Bundle
The Pay What You Want: Spring 2016 Mac Bundle has been extended for an extra week. 13 great apps, including Marked, at a price you get to choose.
Gutenberg – A Meaningful Web Typography Starter Kit
A “web typography starter kit.” Sets up vertical rhythm, base type sizes, and other important considerations in a flexible way using a Sass framework.
Simple Grid - Lightweight CSS grid for web development
If you’ve panned larger CSS frameworks in the past due to bloat, this one offers just the grid features for responsive design.
nylas/N1: An extensible desktop mail app built on the modern web.
There have been a few new options popping up for email clients on the Mac. I’m still sticking with MailMate (for very nerdy reasons), but AirMail 3 is looking great. This one is open source and easily extensible, so I’m pretty curious to dig in and see what it can do.
misterGF/echo: convert HTML tables into JSON/CSV objects
A Node.js tool for converting HTML tables into JSON/CSV objects. I’m hoping to incorporate this into Marky to get better table conversions.
Apple Music Affiliate Program FAQ – Affiliate Resources
If you’re an iTunes partner, take note of the new url queries specifically for Apple Music links.

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