Thanks to Smile and TextExpander 5 for their continued support of!
TextExpander lets you create snippets ranging from simple replacements to powerful fill-ins with variable options, and then triggers them in any application while you type.
The latest version, TextExpander 5, helps you type even faster by making suggestions of frequently-typed phrases to abbreviate and save time. TextExpander reminds you of missed opportunities to use your abbreviations while you’re typing.
Take your productivity with you by syncing your snippets among multiple devices (including iOS). You can store them anywhere on iCloud Drive or Dropbox.
Set a hotkey for inline search so that all you need is a fragment of your snippet to find and expand it quickly.
Create fill-in snippets to personalize and customize repetitive posts and replies every time you use them.
TextExpander 5 supports “shell snippets,” which let you create even more advanced snippets using shell scripting to automate a wide range of typing tasks. Version 5 also adds JavaScript support, which also works in TextExpander touch for iPad and iPhone.