Web Excursions are select bookmarks from my travels around the interwebs, because I'm always thinking about you
while discovering other people's cool stuff. You mean that much to me. You can see all of my (public) bookmarks
on my LinkDing, and visit the bookmarks archive for curated lists across the last few years.
Web excursions brought to you in partnership with CleanMyMac X, all the tools to speed up your Mac, in one app.
- fetching.io
- Like HistoryHound, but currently under active development. It indexes the full text of every page you visit automatically and makes it easy to locate pages you’ve seen but didn’t bother bookmarking at the time.
- rjames86/download_pinboard
- A successor to my Pinboard to Openmeta project that brings the script up to date with Yosemite and Finder tagging. Rewritten in Python by Ryan M.
- Text Editors in The Lord of the Rings
- Just for fun, a metaphorical look at the most popular text editors in the context of The Lord of the Rings.
- Datamancer Typewriter Keys [TypeKeys] - $100.00 : Datamancer.com, Modern Heirlooms with Classic Style
- You like mechanical keyboards? Here’s a set of “typewriter” Cherry Blue keycaps, compatible with any Cherry MX board. That’s right. A clicky typewriter for the modern era. What will these kids think of next?
- Day One to doing
- An integration between Day One and my doing project. Doing has grown immensely in the 1.0.8pre version. I still need to write it up, but you can see where it’s at on GitHub and install it with
gem install doing --pre
. It’s quite stable at this point… Now I just want to make a Slogger plugin that makes digest entries in Day One from the “what was I doing file.”
- Six Colors: Podcasts swirling, whirling, and moving
- Jason Snell on podcasts changing networks or heading out on their own. Sparked by Systematic and Overtired leaving 5by5, but with insight into the whole bubble of tech podcasts we live in.
A projects update
Things have been a bit quiet on the blog lately, but not for lack of hacking in the lab. Here’s what’s coming soon:
- “ReadingListCatcher,” a tool for automatically syncing your Safari Reading List from iCloud to other, more useful places (like Pinboard, Markdown, HTML lists…).
- “DropboxSpotlight,” a project that started as a way to just view the most recently changed files in your Dropbox folder to a (maybe, if things work out) secure way to do a Spotlight search on a remote machine from a smart phone or other computer, and have the located files sent to an upload service returning a link.
- I went to make a small change to Answered and ended up diving into a build system for bookmarklets using yo and grunt for bookmarklet development…
- A script for maintaining a collection of templated git hooks on your development machine and keeping every project that gets them installed up-to-date with any changes.
- Tools for filtering and organizing Day One journals, with selective archiving based on tag, date, or full text search.
- Marked is going to be ready for a big update that fixes a slew of issues when iTunesConnect opens back up after the holiday.
- More. Much more. Like the “Favorite apps of 2014” post I should have ready soon…
Have a good week!