CodeRunner 2 from Nikolai Krill is out, and it’s pretty awesome. In case you’re not familiar, CodeRunner is a Mac utility app that allows you to edit and test code live in a wide range of languages. If you write any kind of code and aren’t already a CodeRunner user, you’ll definitely want to get on board. Current users will appreciate a host of improvements:
Support for TextMate syntax and theme files
Internal support for C/C++ (Xcode not required)
Huge improvements to code completion (including fuzzy search and tabbed placeholders)
Template and snippet improvements
Extensible language support
A web view that allows JavaScript and HTML experimentation and profiling
Symbol navigator
Improved indentation handling
Word completions
CPU and Memory statistics during and after a run
Yosemite updates
For a full list, check out the CodeRunner blog. CodeRunner 2 is $9.99 US, and there’s a free trial available. You’ll also find a list of all supported languages on the homepage.
Before you ask, yes, I’ve heard of Peppermint and am quite impressed with it. CodeRunner is still my default right now, and I’m very excited about the improvements!
Side note: MAS customers who own CodeRunner can choose to pay for the new version (I did), but the upgrade is free if you install the demo while you have the MAS version installed.