Web Excursions are select bookmarks from my travels around the interwebs, because I'm always thinking about you while discovering other people's cool stuff. You mean that much to me. You can see all of my (public) bookmarks on my LinkDing, and visit the bookmarks archive for curated lists across the last few years.

Web excursions brought to you in partnership with Setapp. Get access to hundreds of Mac and iOS apps for one low monthly subscription fee.

A markdown preprocessor for GitHub that helps out with common and repetitive tasks such as table of contents generation, anchor references, variable transclusion, file includes, inserting file sizes, badges, dates, and more. You can even write custom helpers for it.

The author, Gajus Kuizinas, offers a ton of great tools and code for JavaScript developers, too. Check out his repos on GitHub.

Astral - Organize Your GitHub Stars Easily
This is a great idea: a web-based interface for tagging, sorting, and viewing all of your starred GitHub repos. I currently use a set of Pinboard tags for similar purposes, which is nice because I don’t have to deal with the repurcussions (e.g. notifications) of starring everything. I’d love to see this integrated with a bookmarking tool of some kind…
Naminum, the ultimate company name, startup name and website name on the web
This actually offers some really good company name/domain ideas, and can check availability with a click of a suggestion. Gives Hover’s name tool a run for its money.
Viewport Sized Typography
Yes, Chris wrote this in 2012, but I’m just now finding time to play with it. The vw and vh sizing meaurements in CSS allow elements to size based on viewport dimensions. Played with it a bit and it’s really cool in Chrome and Safari. I should probably start testing stuff in Firefox again soon…
How to Generate Good Ideas: Methods to Try, Questions to Ask and Apps to Use
A piece by Belle Cooper on coming up with and following through with new ideas. I’m never at a loss for ideas (there are times I wish I were), but filtering them and executing the right ones is a challenge for everybody.

Bonus: A brilliant keyboard Kickstarter that can only make the world a better place1.

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  1. In a not-at-all sort of way, but funny nonetheless.