A big thanks to 5am Code and DoublePane for supporting BrettTerpstra.com.
DoublePane is a simple window management app for OS X.
It lets you do four things:
Move a window to the left half of the screen
Move a window to the right half of the screen
Position a window to fill the entire screen
Restore the original size and position of a window
With these four tools you can easily edit two documents side-by-side without spending time sizing or repositioning windows, or read an article on one half of the screen while taking notes on the other half.
Mavericks brought us tabs in Finder windows, but still no split pane view. The latest version of DoublePane is fully OS X Mavericks compatible, and being able to effortlessly position two Finder windows next to each other makes file management much easier than dragging between tabs.
You can use DoublePane via the onscreen menu bar, but if you want to be really productive, you’ll memorize the four simple global keyboard shortcuts to instantly maneuver your windows in any application.
There are a lot of window management apps these days, but if you’re looking for a simple solution that takes zero setup and covers the most essential window management functions, DoublePane is an excellent solution. It’s available in the Mac App Store for $4.99. To see DoublePane in action visit 5amcode.com.
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Brett Terpstra
Brett is a writer and developer living in Minnesota, USA. You can follow him as ttscoff on Twitter, GitHub, Mastodon, and elsewhere.