Web Excursions are select bookmarks from my travels around the interwebs, because I'm always thinking about you while discovering other people's cool stuff. You mean that much to me. You can see all of my (public) bookmarks on my LinkDing, and visit the bookmarks archive for curated lists across the last few years.

Web excursions brought to you in partnership with Setapp. Get access to hundreds of Mac and iOS apps for one low monthly subscription fee.

A quick PSA off the top for SearchLink users: the iTunes Search API is currently a little wonky. The instability is related to the iOS 7 launch and may last a couple of weeks. It will be back soon!

I’ve been short on time for exploring the net (and writing in general) this week due to a combination of a large project at the day job and the fact that I’m gearing up for a Marked 2 launch next week. Here are some top picks from my last week of surfing, nonetheless.

MultiMarkdown 4.3.1 released
In case you missed it, Fletcher Penney’s MultiMarkdown now includes inline footnotes with a very simple syntax. No need for my little Service hack now, just use [^this is the footnote text] and it gets converted to a link and a footnote at the end. Super/sub text was recently added as well (^/~ prefix).The upcoming Marked 2 release includes the latest version of MultiMarkdown, inline footnotes and all.
Clean Links
A handy little one-purpose app that cleans up links and removes things like Google Analytics query strings. It supports the x-callback-url scheme, which lets you use it quickly and easily with apps like Tweetbot, Drafts and Notesy.
On Apple, the new iPhones and points made and missed
Excellent post and thoughts on Apple from Victor Agreda Jr. over at TUAW.
OmniFocus 2 for iPhone
I received the beta for OmniFocus 2 just a little bit ago, and it’s already out on the App Store.

It’s still missing a few things that I was hoping for in the update, and there additional features that are in-progress but not implemented yet (TextExpander support, for example). Nonetheless, the update is gorgeous and improves navigation and organization features.

Paper, Digital or Online Mind Mapping?
A mind map about mind mapping, comparing paper and digital mapping.
iTextEditors updates
The iTextEditors chart continues to grow. I’ve been pruning out apps that are no longer maintained/available, but enough new editors are coming along every week that it’s still growing. The most recent updates in the list are marked with a blue asterisk.

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