Web Excursions are select bookmarks from my travels around the interwebs, because I'm always thinking about you while discovering other people's cool stuff. You mean that much to me. You can see all of my (public) bookmarks on my LinkDing, and visit the bookmarks archive for curated lists across the last few years.

Web excursions brought to you in partnership with CleanMyMac X, all the tools to speed up your Mac, in one app.

Another water sample from the infoflood, for your examination1.

Reminder Plumbing
Mix this with nvremind and you get a very roundabout-but-automated way to put nvALT notes into OmniFocus as tasks. Hat tip to @hecteddy.
A web-based outliner from the mad genius behind FoldingText (and based on some of the same engine, I believe).
Another nifty web app. It’s a good-looking notepad that parses your notes for dates and adds them to a calendar with a link back to the note. I don’t have an immediate use case for it, but I can imagine some scenarios where that would be ideal.
My favorite thing about this searchable collection of documentation for Cocoa libraries is that anything that’s not already part of the default API documentation has a button for adding it as a Docset to Dash. Nice.
DigitalOcean Cloud Hosting
If you don’t mind building your own server, DigitalOcean has been really impressive in the couple of months I’ve been playing around on it. For $5/mo I have a 20GB SSD cloud server with 512MB of RAM. I can spin up new servers any time I want to, cheap. If you’re searching for a fast and affordable hosting/server option, check it out.
An Instagram-esque service that you can pay for. Exclusive ownership and complete privacy is appealing. The trick at the bottom of the product page showing the Live Filters feature is pretty darn cool, too.

CleanMyMac X

  1. I know, I just published an Excursions post two days ago, but I wanted to get a few of these out before they got stale. I’m going to go ahead and assume that’s won’t ruin your day.