This is a quick mention that Drafts 3 for iPad and iPhone is out, and it has a whole bunch of new features. It’s a great tool for note-taking and much more. If you haven’t tried it yet, there’s more reason than ever to give it a shot.

The full release notes are up on the site, and I’ll let that speak for itself. Some of the highlights include drafts management (filing), advanced Evernote integration, an extended keyboard and dynamic expansion of TextExpander snippets in custom action fields.

Note that if you’re using my iOS Markdown group from my TextExpander tools, the [[ one can cause issues because it expands in template variables before Drafts gets to replacing it.

Dave Caolo of TUAW has a more in-depth review, and there’s an awesome review by Federico Viticci up on MacStories. Check it out: Drafts for iPad and Drafts for iPhone.