Links of interest from July 28, 2012 through August 7, 2012:
- mperham/lunchy
- I should just start a weekly One Thing Well column and repost some of the amazing things Jack finds. This utility for simplifying the
command has already saved me 15 minutes, and I only found it 20 minutes ago.
- Standard and retina display sprites with compass
- If you’re using Compass/Sass, it’s time to figure this out.
- Fiddle Sticks
- I have always admitted to "fiddling" incessantly, and have considered it a worthwhile trait. Nice to see someone stand up for the fiddlers in a more eloquent fashion. Thanks Gabe.
- Archy - Bringing Google Drive to the humans
- Wow. This is what the Google Drive app should have been. Wonder if they’ll buy these guys, too…