I’ve started using Quix again, and have updated my custom Quix file accordingly. It started because Gleebox began misbehaving in Safari for me, and it doesn’t seem to be actively maintained any more. Then I ended up switching to Chrome as my primary browser, and Quix made the transition easy; all of my commands stayed the same.
The only catch was 1–which used to open the first bookmark bar item (Quix in this case) in Safari–just switches to the first tab in Chrome. I’m using Keyboard-fu (available in the Chrome store) to trigger Quix now. If you want to set up something similar, create a new item in the Keyboard-fu preferences, assign a hotkey, and then use something like this as the command (modified if your path differs):
fu.openBookmarkByPath('/Bookmarks Bar/Quix', target='here')
As an aside, the Vimium extension is really great for keyboard navigation (vim style). You have to delete most of the default commands in Keyboard-fu if you’re going to use them together, but Vimium is more reliable for most commands. I just use Keyboard-fu to extend the options.
The commands
Anyway, if you’re interested in any of my custom commands (listed below), you can grab all or any part of my Quix command file from this gist. Save it to any server you have access to from the web and put the url for it into the box on the Quix extension page. Every command is on its own line, so you can just copy out the lines you want, or use the whole file and delete lines you don’t want.
Here’s what’s in it:
Custom searches
- go
- Open first result (DuckDuckGo)
- Example:
go brett terpstra
(opens first DuckDuckGo search result for “brett terpstra”)
- b
- Bang search (DuckDuckGo)
- Example:
b tuaw iphone 4
(searches TUAW using !tuaw in DuckDuckGo)
- grep
- CueUp Search (nee Greplin)
- Example:
grep AOL Tech
(searches all of my cloud data for “AOL Tech”)
- ss
- Search current site (DuckDuckGo)
- Example:
ss markdown
(site-specific search of the current site for “markdown”)
- bt
- BrettTerpstra.com (DuckDuckGo)
- Example:
bt markdown
(site-specific search of brettterpstra.com for “markdown”)
- gh
- Search GitHub (everything)
- Example:
gh shortcutrecorder
(searches all of GitHub for the term “shortcutrecorder”)
- hints
- Search Mac OS X Hints
- Example:
hints defaults
(searches hints.macworld.com for “defaults”)
- mu
- Search MacUpdate (Software)
- Example:
mu Marked
(searches MacUpdate for “Marked”)
- jq
- Search jQuery API docs
- Example:
jq :not
(searches api.jquery.com for “:not”)
Web services
- whohosts
- Who is hosting the current domain?
- uinfo
- URL Info for the current domain
- down
- Example:
down twitter.com
(check if Twitter is down for everyone)
- md
- Uses HeckYesMarkdown to convert the current page to plain Markdown
- mdp
- Uses HeckYesMarkdown to convert to Markdown and preview with options
- 2text
- Uses HTML2Text to convert the current page to Markdown
- clipr
- A handy Arc90-esque bookmarklet that allows you to select a DOM element to extract
- gimme
- GimmeBar bookmarklet
- font
- WhatFont bookmarklet
- css
- CSSInspect bookmarklet
- jquery
- jQuerify bookmarklet
- ff
- FontFriend bookmarklet
- snoop
- Snoopy bookmarklet (server/software info for page)
- rl
- Save silently to Pinboard.in with Read Later flag
- pb
- Pop up the Pinboard “add url” window
- ip
- Use Instapaper text view on the current page
- thumb
- Get a thumbshot of the current url
- clip
- Run the Clippable bookmarklet
- cap
- Send to Paparazzi! for capture
- design
- Run the Design bookmarklet
- choose
- Open the current page in Choosy
- later
- Send to Instapaper
- up
- Move up one level in the sites directory structure
- top
- Jump to top level of the current site
- pdf
- View the current page as a formatted PDF
All of these are in my custom Quix command file on GitHub. Have any awesome Quix commands of your own to share?