Read & Trust badgeI am proud (and humbled) to announce that I’ve been included in the Read & Trust network. Founded by Aaron Mahnke, Read & Trust is a group of writers who have been carefully selected as trustworthy beacons of news and opinions. The ranks include my good friends Dave Caolo and David Chartier, along with many bloggers I admire, such as Patrick Rhone, Ben Brooks, Brett Kelly, Shawn Blanc, and Marco Arment. This is a great privilege!

This also means I’ll be writing in the Read & Trust newsletter, a weekly circulation that includes a long-form article from one of the Read & Trust writers. Subscriptions are $5/month, and you get exclusive content from some of the best writers in the blogosphere. Each month has a theme (e.g. Creativity, Quality vs. Quantity, Fear & Loss…) and the authors rotate each week (I’ll be up next week). Sign up and you won’t miss any of the great contributions from the Read & Trust writers!