Thanks to everyone I met at WWDC this year and to the friends I got to see for a great time. San Francisco was as beautiful as ever and the Mac and iOS development communities are, as usual, full of new and brilliant ideas. It’s always heartening to see. TUAW and MacTech will be posting the result of our blogging work at WWDC over the next few weeks.
The Smile party was a blast, and thanks to Jean MacDonald and Smile for throwing such a great geekfest. The TUAW bash was a great time, too, and it was great to see some Apple employees show up (happens less often than you’d think). They were there with Daniel Jalkut, and it was great to finally meet him, too. Violet Blue, Jim Dalrymple, Manton Reese and more than I can remember right now, great to meet you all!
I’m headed back to Minnesota right now, and not looking forward to the two-hour drive I’ll be in for after landing. Then I’ll have about 5 days to get things in order at work, get nvALT 2.1 released and pack before I head off to a family reunion for almost a week. I seem to be moving around a lot for a grumpy homebody. Oh, well.
Feel free to browse my WWDC 2011 photos to see a bit of what went on.
So I’m sitting and waiting for a tow truck to come start my car right now, and I realize I forgot to thank Victor Agreda, Jr. who instigated most of these meetings, kept me alive and introduced me to In-n-Out Burger. Thanks, Victor!