Links of interest from May 4, 2011 through May 16, 2011:

Cool, but obscure unix tools :: KKovacs
There are many sweet-looking UNIX tools in there, most available through homebrew.
10+ useful tools to simplify CSS3 development
Some useful online tools, javascripts and references for CSS3 styling.
I’ve been using this Mac app for a while. It’s a very simple way to visually create CSS3-styled buttons, text areas and other controls, and output cross-browser CSS3 code for them. Worth every penny.
mrtazz/simplenote.vim - GitHub
Vim plugin to interact with the simplenote service. Neato.
kirotawa/gmailCommandLine - GitHub
This works a treat. I hacked in my own means of securely passing a password without interaction, so now I’ve got a groovy sendmail replacement. Easy attachments, too.