Links of interest from March 3 through March 7:

A simpler and faster alternative to wireframes – Attack Of Design
Amen to that.
sergeche/xmlview - GitHub
Another “holy cow” Safari Extension. This one works in tandem with the XML Viewer plugin and provides Espresso-esque styling, XPath searching and sidebar nav for XML files in Safari.
Snipe by Joseph Schmitt
One of the coolest Safari Extensions I’ve seen yet, both in functionality and design. It lets you instantly jump to any open tab by typing any part of the tab’s title.
Control AirPort from the keyboard
Wow. I knew about the airport command, but this one is awesome. Check out networksetup -h to see everything else it can do!
Schedule Computer Jobs for Later with the At Command
A *nix command I didn’t know about. A cool one at that.
jparise/stale - GitHub
Python script searches your Pinboard (or Delicious) bookmarks for dead links, optionally deleting them.