I hope that the folks at BSR will forgive me for picking on their website’s aesthetics, as I have nothing but good things to say about the company and their products.

I’ve been looking for the right pair of headphones for a long, long time. Almost as long as I’ve been looking for the right keyboard. I’ve amassed plenty of both, and am to the point where I’m selective (and cynical) about any new finger or ear accessory I try. I had recently purchased a pair of headband sleep headphones (that are super comfortable, pristine audio be damned) and was heading back to Amazon to get a pair for my wife as well. I saw a sponsored link on the product page for a pair of earbuds that wouldn’t fall out. I’ve never followed a sponsored link before, but–given that I’ve never found earbuds that would stay in for long, even when sitting still–I wanted to know more.

While mildly distracted by the visual noise of the website, I found the info I wanted pretty quickly. I also found copy that was written by a human, not a marketing robot, and their passion for the product quickly convinced me to give it a shot. I scrolled down the page, actually ready to pay a hefty price to try these awkward-looking headphones out. The price was surprisingly low, and I bit. In retrospect, now that I’m holding these earbuds in my hands, the price was too low. They’re easily worth twice what’s being charged.

They came with a full set of different size cups for the earpiece. The three sizes included weren’t enough to ensure that every customer found a fit, though, so an extra small pair in a plastic sleeve was taped to the outside of the packaging. The shipping was prompt (immediate), there was a thank you email instead of a receipt, and the entire experience left me feeling like all of the other online shopping I do is lacking. I’m impressed.

If you’re looking for a great-sounding headphones with practical styling, these do live up to their word. As far as e-commerce goes, it was the little touches (that can only be efficiently provided by a small operation) that made me feel like, well, shopping at an independent retailer instead of going to Wal-Mart, which does make me happy. Count me as a fan.