This post is specifically for people who use Bunch with LaunchBar. If you happen to be an Alfred user, Jay Miller is cool guy who also develops an Alfred action for Bunch. Thanks Jay!
bunch, launchbar, reading
I just wanted to post a quick progress report on the upcoming nvALT successor, nvUltra. It’s been a big week of bug fixes and planning!
beta, nvalt, nvultra
Thanks to Setapp for sponsoring this week! Setapp is an answer to an app world with increasing subscription fatigue, and I know Setapp both as a regular user and as a developer making income on the platform. In both regards I’m a happy customer and am thrilled to have Macpaw and Setapp supporting my work here. Seriously, if you haven’t tried it, it really is worth your time to go take a look.
macos, setapp, sponsor
As promised, since I’ve added the auto-updates to Bunch I’ve laid off on posting with every release. But there’s enough cool new stuff now that I figured I’d share.
bunch, desktop
Just a reminder, Macstock 2019 is happening in just over a month. Which is soon, but there’s still time to plan your trip to the Chicago area for a weekend of hanging out with fellow Apple nerds and absorbing some Mac and iOS knowledge from the amazing speaker lineup (and me).
Thanks to CleanMyMac X for sponsoring this week! I’ve been using CleanMyMac X for a long time now, and the latest version extends it far enough to be a replacement for at least two other apps on my system. It’s a pleasure to have them sponsoring the blog this week.
developer, macos, sponsor
After all these years of promising the successor to nvALT, it’s amazing to be able to tell you that the nvUltra beta has begun. We (Fletcher Penney and myself) still don’t have a final name, but the app is really solid and I’m excited to be bringing people on board to put it through its paces.
beta, nvalt, nvultra
A little while ago I ran into some issues that required me to do a full clone of my MacBook Pro’s disk, erase, and restore from an external. It was painful with my external Thunderbolt drive (a Buffalo MiniStation 1TB Thunderbolt). Then (after a week of banging my head on the desk) I realized that in the process of restoring, I had also converted my disk back to HFS from APFS. Which meant I couldn’t update the OS or install the latest version of Xcode. Which is a problem.
backup, hardware, reading, review is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means to earn fees when linking to and affiliated sites.
Thanks to NotePlan for sponsoring this week! I started using Noteplan when it first came out and have been impressed with how refined it’s become over time. The concept of using Markdown files for planning, scheduling, and note-taking is brilliant, but it takes some special execution to make it work. NotePlan pulls it off!
markdown, sponsor