Links of interest for July 6, 2012, Special Twitter/IFTTT edition:

Special TwitterArchiveHackathon version. Short story (minus links to all of the various iterations thus far1): an IFTTT recipe for archiving tweets to a text file started floating around and a bunch of us went way too far hacking around with the possibilities. A brief post on my own version coming in the next few days. For now, some links. Archiving tweets using IFTTT and Dropbox
Ian Beck’s solution to Twitter archiving, part of the “hackathon” that happened on Twitter this week.
Archiving tweets
Dr. Drang’s approach to archiving tweets. The hackathon continues…
Tweets, timestamps, time zones, and ThinkUp
Dr. Drang contacted me about this issue and I decided that it was unsolvable. I wasn’t worried enough about a time offset on 4-year-old tweets to undertake the task… once again, Dr. Drang solves the “unsolvable.” Props.
Tweet Archiver
There are a few of these scripts floating around now, but they’re all essentially ways to get as many older posts out of Twitter for local archiving as possible. This one from Tim Bueno is quite nice.
Download your twitter posts into a single markdown file – Gist
Archive new tweets without IFTTT, if you’re so inclined. I haven’t tested this one because my system is working great right now, but not having the dependency on a web service might be a good idea. Fortunately, I can translate over any time, thanks to good old plain text.

My next post on this topic will include my own explanation of why this is such a useful idea, since I know you’re already asking yourself that.

  1. Full linkage and credit to to the cast and players (that I’m aware of) will be in the next post. I promise.