Brett's Favorites 2024: Late Additions
Brett's Favorites 2024: Personal Projects
Brett's Favorites 2024: Hardware
Brett's Favorites 2024: iOS
Brett's Favorites 2024: macOS
Suspicious Package keeps on tickin'
WriteMapper - writing with mind maps
A Cerakey ceramic keycap review
Brett's Favorites 2023 Part II
Brett's Favorites 2023
Stuff I'm Using in 2023
Brett's Favorites 2022 - Hardware
Shooting Stars with iTelescope.net
Brett's Favorites 2022 - Personal Projects
Brett's Favorites 2022 - Mac Apps
BetterTouchTool and Stream Deck
Brett's Favorites 2021
Software mute for XLR mics
A non-slip keyboard tray solution
Get files from Mac to iOS faster with WALTR PRO (+Giveaway)
Peek brings text selection back to Quick Look (+Giveaway)
An ode to Bartender
Open Zoom links in Zoom (and why Choosy is the best default browser)
Brett's Favorites 2020
Brett's 2020 Podcasting Setup
The MacSparky Photos Field Guide (+Giveaway)
Enhanced music listening on macOS
Fantastical 3
Brett's Favorites 2019
Hook 1.3
The Shortcuts Field Guide Giveaway
The Keyboard Maestro Field Guide Winners
Giveaway: The Keyboard Maestro Field Guide
The Top 20 Apps not in my Dock
SSD Showdown: Seagate Fast vs Samsung T5
The MacSparky Keyboard Maestro Field Guide
Make your favorite keyboard a Bluetooth keyboard
HoudahSpot 5.0
When you find a hair clipper worth writing about...
Hook: connect everything
Retrobatch: node-based image processing
The addictive hobby of customizing mechanical keyboards
Brett's Favorites 2018
My new favorite sleep headphones
CleanMyMac X
I wrote a review of the Ultimate Hacking Keyboard for you nerds
AeroPress Timer v3
Fellow Prismo: AeroPress Espresso(ish)
Cardhop 1.1
Men's yoga apparel: a Yoga Nerd Review
Curio 12 — a Markdown extravaganza
Deckset 2.0 is more of a great thing
The OmniOutliner 3 winners!
OmniOutliner 3 (+giveaway!)
Best of 2017: Personal Projects
Best of 2017: Real stuff
Best of 2017: Nerding out on macOS
Best of 2017: Creating on macOS
Best of 2017: working on macOS
Best of 2017: iOS Apps
Universal Mac organization with Unclutter (and it's 40% off!)
Cardhop for Mac: contacts done right
MultiMarkdown Composer 4 (+Giveaway)
Add favicons to Safari tabs with Faviconographer
The Learn Ulysses video course
Quantify everything with Exist.io custom tracking
Trading Cryptocurrencies giveaway winners
Trading Cryptocurrencies Video Course (+giveaway)
Best of 2016: (Almost) all of the iOS favorites
Best of 2016: Mac apps for nerds
Best of 2016: Mac creativity
Best of 2016: Mac productivity
MindMeister and Apple Watch
The WALTR 2 Giveaway winners
WALTR 2 (+Giveaway!)
TableFlip: the cure for Markdown table editing
MicFlip 2.0, the best USB cable I've ever had
MultiMarkdown Composer and CriticMarkup
The Image2Icon winners
Still my favorite iPhone accessory
Associate: Amazon affiliate linking for iOS
The TextExpander subscription snafu
Arq 5 gets a big speed boost
TaskPaper 3.0
In which I review an airport restroom
A look back at 2015: The Rest of the Best
A look back at 2015: My Top iOS Apps
A look back at 2015: My Top Mac Apps
HoudahSpot 4.1
The CleanMyMac 3 Winners
Win a copy of CleanMyMac 3 for Christmas
The Magic Number winners
Taking advantage of YouTube music on Mac and iOS
Magic Number giveaway
A fix for slippery iPhones
Curio 10 and Curiota
A magic mistake
The Mac Pick-A-Bundle has some sweet apps...
Dropzone 3.5 Giveaway Winners
Post-vacation Dropzone 3 Giveaway!
The Painless tmux/Vim winners
Painless Tmux + Painless Vim giveaway
MindNode 2.0 for Mac (with Marked 2 integration)
Living the Remote Dream
LaunchBar 6.4 streamlines custom actions
TextExpander 5
MacPaw announces DevMate distribution platform for Mac devs
Postbox 4
MeisterTask for iOS and Apple Watch
A Friday Freebie: Network and Database icon set
VOX for iOS
CleanMyMac 3 adds robust new features
Blink: instant iTunes affiliate links on iOS
MeisterTask: visual task management from MindMeister
My favorite stuff from 2014, Part 2
David Sparks' "Workflow Video Field Guide"
BitTorrent Sync 2.0 is official
The details count with Tally 2
Records: a flexible database for Mac
Doing Spotlight right with HoudahSpot 4.0
Even better MindMeister collaboration
Macminicolo turns 10
My favorite stuff from 2014, Part 1
Slopes 1.4 for winter sports lovers
CodeRunner 2
Typed: a new Markdown editor from Realmac
The WALTR winners
WALTR: amphetamines for your video collection (+giveaway)
The "Shell Tricks" video course
BitTorrent Sync vs. The Cloud
Drafts 4 Keyboard Extensions
The AeroPress Timer 2 winners
AeroPress Timer 2 giveaway
The Marked 2 giveaway winners
The PicGIF Giveaway winners
Counters•, a new tally app for iPhone
PicGIF Giveaway
The Antetype winners!
iBetterCharge: remember to charge your iDevices
Antetype giveaway!
New Perspective Icons for OmniFocus 2
Announcing the Textbundle format (and Ulysses 3 giveaway)
'Delight is in the Details' winners (and discount!)
'Delight is in the Details' giveaway!
The OnTop Winners
Clarify for Markdown blogging
OnTop calendar manager for iPhone, +giveaway!
The Tower 2 giveaway winners
Vox 2.1 with SoundCloud integration
The Tower 2 giveaway
A big update to Shawn Blanc's 'Delight is in the Details'
The Polymo winners
Tower 2 is twice the Git power
Giveaway: Polymo for iPhone
Review: Dropzone 3
The Transloader winners
Giveaway: Transloader remote downloader
The coolest way to present a mind map
Curio 9 winners and 10% off for everyone!
Win a copy of Curio 9!
Curio 9 adds all kinds of awesome
The Screenfloat giveaway winners
The sweet giveaways continue: ScreenFloat
The new DuckDuckGo
iThoughts updated for extra awesome (and iOS 7)
The Yoink giveaway winners
Giveaway: 5 codes for Yoink
The Painless Vim giveaway winners
Giveaway: 5 copies of "Painless Vim"
Moviedo, your todo list for movies
The Fantastical 2 for iPad winners!
Five more copies of Fantastical 2 for iPad!
Fantastical 2 for iPad, review and giveaway
Cupcake, a color tool for web and app designers
Deckset 1.0 released
The Arq 4 winners, and something extra for you...
Brainstorm collaboratively with Stormboard
Arq 4 Giveaway!
The Shoots & Leaves winners
Shoots & Leaves Valentine's Day Giveaway
VOX 2.0
Mindmeister 9: more powerful cloud mind mapping
Shoots & Leaves turns photos into plain text
A few of my favorite Mac apps in 2013
Marked 2.2 (811): one bit niftier
The winners of the Cognitive Productivity giveaway
MindNode 3 for iOS
Begin 1.5 released
Ulysses III 1.1
Terminology 3 for iOS is more useful than ever
Essence icons for iOS 7 app design
Wallflowers: my favorite OS X augmentations
Winners of the Begin for iPhone giveaway
Giveaway: Begin - a todo list for iPhone
And the ForkLift winners are...
Announcing the BusyCal Winners
Advanced file management with ForkLift (plus giveaway!)
Federico Viticci wrote the book on Editorial for iPad
Nimblstand, a truly flexible iPad stand
The Chatology winners
2x Giveaway - Win TWO copies of myPhoneDesktop
Going #iPadOnly
Oyster Giveaway
Mac App Giveaway: Briefly
Mac App Review: Oyster
Mac App Review: SliceReader
Sketchnote Typeface
EventScripts and reliable Bluetooth proximity detection
Write for iPad with device sharing
Sitting pretty (at my computer)
iOS App Review: WordEver HD
Mac App Review: Dash for developers
Drafts 3
Mac App review: Ulysses III
Markdown, the book
iOS App Review: Pinbrowser
iOS App Review: AeroPress Timer for iPhone
Glui: a lightweight alternative to Skitch
iOS App Review: Write for iPhone
An iOS development saga: TimeToCall
iPhone App Review: Horizon
Mac App Review: MultiMarkdown Composer 2
Great apps for 2012: iOS
Great apps for 2012: Mac and iOS
Great apps for 2012: Mac
Calendar Paste, scheduling made easy
Tally, let me count the ways
Gerber Artifact, the most useful thing in my pocket
Memories: photo, video and text journaling
App Review: BTT Remote
Quick Review: Pro HDR
Mac OS X Screencasts makes Hazel easy for everyone
World (ringtone) peace: Cleartones Organic giveaway
Mac app review: Slicy
Win a free copy of nvNotes: iPhone note-taking app
FioWriter brings Mac editing shortcuts to your iPad
TextDown: Markdown editor for Chrome
Drafts 2.0 and Drafts for iPad
Mountain Lion Paparazzi!
Celebrate the Day One updates with a free copy!
App Review: Found - Spotlight on steroids
Mac App Review: Trickster, instant access to recent items
iPhone App Review: Slow Feeds, a unique RSS reader for iPhone
App Review: Textastic code editor for iPad
Frictionless Capture Cards
App Review: Tree, an outliner I can love
Had Enough?
Byword for iOS!
A word about Magic Launch and nvALT
Some of my favorite Mac apps in 2011
LiveReload addendum
App Review: LiveReload
App Review: Dropzone
Nest: initial impressions
iOS App Review: WriteUp
App Review: Quiet
App Review: CodeRunner
iOS App Review: Reading List
The QuickCal winners
App Review: Gradient
Listary giveaway, get yours!
iOS app review: Listary
App Review: Tunesque
Five Yoink promo codes up for grabs!
App Review: Yoink
App review: Launchpad-Control
App Review: Byword