The Bunch URL Handler
Bunch has its own URL scheme (x-bunch:
) that you can call from other apps and scripts.
Beta testers: Bunch Beta can be targeted with
if you have both installed and need to make sure your URLs open in the right version.
Quick Reference
URL | Method |
x-bunch://open?bunch=[BUNCH NAME] | Open a Bunch |
x-bunch://[BUNCH NAME] | Open shorthand |
x-bunch://close?bunch=[BUNCH NAME] | Close a Bunch |
x-bunch://close/[BUNCH NAME] | Close shorthand |
x-bunch://toggle?bunch=[BUNCH NAME] | Toggle a Bunch |
x-bunch://toggle/[BUNCH NAME] | Toggle shorthand |
x-bunch://raw?txt=[BUNCH TEXT] | Run raw text as a Bunch |
x-bunch://snippet?file=[SNIPPET PATH]&fragment=[FRAGMENT]&foo=bar | Run a snippet with fragment and variables |
Tip: You can use URLs with apps like BetterTouchTool and Keyboard Maestro to assign Bunch actions to hotkeys, buttons and other triggers. If you have a cool programmable keypad or a Stream Deck, just imagine the possibilities…
Just create an action that opens a URL and use something like:
to create a hotkey or button that toggles a Bunch. You can create a whole launch control panel on a Stream Deck with these, for example.
Tip: The Bunch CLI can generate URLs that run various commands for use in other applications. Run
bunch -i
to interactively build a URL.
All methods can be called in x-callback-url
format, for compatibility. Simply prefix x-callback-url
in the path, and optionally provide an x-source
query parameter. If an x-source
is provided and no x-success
value is present, the x-source (URL, app name, or bundle identifier) will be called upon completion. (It’s assumed that you want focus returned after executing a Bunch command, as making Bunch a foreground app is relatively pointless.)
See the x-success
parameter to control what happens after a URL method is executed.
The full version of the open method is x-bunch://open?bunch=[BUNCH NAME]
. The url can be shortened, though, to just the Bunch name: x-bunch://[BUNCH NAME]
Specify multiple Bunches to open by separating the names with commas, e.g.
. This works with any of the actions that act on Bunches (open, toggle, close). It also works when using “path” syntax, e.g.x-bunch://toggle/Bunch%201,Bunch%202
- (String) The name of the bunch to open, without the
extension - Specify multiple Bunches to open by separating the names with commas
# Full URL
open 'x-bunch://open?bunch=Comms'
# Shortcut URL
open 'x-bunch://Comms'
The Bunch name in the URL handler is case insensitive, so “bunch name” works just as well as “Bunch Name.” Bunch does need to already be running in order to execute a bunch via the URL handler. You can always launch Bunch with
open -a Bunch
from a script, but you’ll need to give it enough time to initialize.
Tip: If you have a task in a task manager that requires a certain set of apps, create a Bunch and then add a link to the task’s notes:
You can also close a Bunch with x-bunch://close?bunch=[BUNCH NAME]
, or just x-bunch://close/[BUNCH NAME]
- (String) The name of the bunch to close, without the
extension - Specify multiple Bunches to open by separating the names with commas
# Full URL
open 'x-bunch://close?bunch=Comms'
# Shortcut URL
open 'x-bunch://close/Comms'
You can also toggle the Bunch — opening if it’s closed, closing if it’s open — using x-bunch://toggle?bunch=[BUNCH NAME]
. Like the other methods, this also works as x-bunch://toggle/[BUNCH NAME]
. This works even if “Toggle Bunches” isn’t enabled.
If using the “Toggle Bunches” option, Bunches opened/closed via the URL handler will automatically set the launched state of the Bunch in the Dock menu. The open
and close
commands will not toggle Bunches; those commands will execute regardless of current Bunch state.
- (String) The name of the bunch to toggle, without the
extension - Specify multiple Bunches to open by separating the names with commas
# Full URL
open 'x-bunch://toggle?bunch=Comms'
# Shortcut URL
open 'x-bunch://toggle/Comms'
The full version of the edit method is x-bunch://edit?bunch=[BUNCH NAME]
. The url can be shortened to path format: x-bunch://edit/[BUNCH NAME]
- (String) The name of the bunch to open in the defined Bunch Editor, without the
extension - Specify multiple Bunches to open by separating the names with commas
The Bunch Editor must be set in Preferences for this command to execute. If it’s not, an alert will be displayed. {.warning}
# Full URL
open 'x-bunch://edit?bunch=Example'
# Shortcut URL
open 'x-bunch://edit/Example'
You can pass Bunch commands and directives directly through the URL handler. With this you can specify a path to a Bunch file outside of your Bunch folder, or even pass a url-encoded string containing Bunch directives.
If you pass a Bunch file using this method, the Bunch isn’t technically “opened,” i.e. it won’t appear as toggled “on” in the menu when Toggle Bunches is enabled. This provides one way to open a Bunch without affecting its state.
Only one of file
or txt
should be specified
- (String) Either an absolute path or a path relative to the configured Bunch folder. If this is provided, any
parameter will be ignored - Only one file may be specified per call
- (String) URL encoded text text contents to process as if read from a file
# Open a Bunch file with `file` param:
open 'x-bunch://raw?file=~/MiscBunch.bunch'
# Pass Bunch contents directly with `txt` param:
open 'x-bunch://raw?txt=(dnd on)'
Force Bunch to reload Bunch files. This should happen automatically if you make changes to the Bunch folder while Bunch is running, but use this if you want to ensure an update.
open 'x-bunch://refresh'
Reveal the Bunch Folder in Finder.
open 'x-bunch://reveal'
You can set and toggle certain preferences with the setPref
method. All boolean parameters accept 0 and 1, as well as “true” or “false”, or “yes” or “no”.
- (String) Absolute path to Bunch folder
- (Boolean: 0 or 1) Set Toggle Bunches mode
- (Boolean: 0 or 1) Set Single Bunch Mode
- (Boolean: 0 or 1) Set Restore Open Bunches on Launch
- (Integer: 0-4) Set the logging level for the Bunch Log
# Enable Toggle Bunches mode
open 'x-bunch://setPref?toggleBunches=1'
# Change the Bunch folder
open 'x-bunch://setPref?configDir=~/Dropbox/Sync/Bunches'
Tip: You can use this URL handler to easily switch between sets of Bunches using external tools. For example, you could add a button to your Touch Bar using BetterTouchTool to trigger a URL like
, or create a Keyboard Maestro macro that toggled between two folders.
You can directly load a snippet and define variables with the snippet
method. This allows you to load files containing variables and to use the snippet fragment feature to load just a portion of a snippet.
A Bunch can also be called as a snippet, and if it contains fragment identifiers, a smaller section of the Bunch can be loaded using the snippet method.
This URL method can be shortened to snippet/SNIPPET_FILE/FRAGMENT?variables=foobar
Fragment ID can also be added to the filename with a hash (#FRAGMENT
) but it should be percent-encoded in the URL as %23
, e.g. snippet/SNIPPET_FILE%23FRAGMENT
- (String) The path to the snippet file. Assumes this is a relative path from your Bunch folder unless an absolute path is provided. If the snippet file is in the root of your Bunch folder, you can provide just the filename
- Multiple files can be called by separating them with a comma, and each file can include a
in its path. Hashes should be percent-encoded as%23
, e.g.?file=SNIPPET%23FRAGMENT
- (String, Optional) To load just a section of the snippet (as defined by
#[section title]
lines), pass the name of the fragment here. - Additional variables
- (Optional) Any additional query parameters added to the url string will be passed as key=value replacements to the snippet
# Load a snippet file called "useful.snippets",
# targeting the "Music" section, and passing a
# value to the "playlist" variable, call:
open 'x-bunch://snippet?file=useful.snippets&fragment=Music&playlist=spotify:playlist:3cSpIL4Q0H3uqdBMbT6c9x'
# Path syntax, loading "useful.snippets", targeting
# the "Speak" fragment, and passing two variables
open 'x-bunch://snippet/useful.snippets/Speak?var1=foo&var2=bar%20baz'
Cause Bunch to display the Preferences dialog.
open 'x-bunch://prefs'
Additional parameters
Calling an app or URL after running a method
All url methods accept an x-success
parameter which can define a bundle ID or url to open after executing the method. By default this happens after a 1-second delay, but you can modify that with an x-delay
parameter (number of seconds as integer).
- (String) If this is a valid bundle identifier, e.g.
, that application will be launched. It can also be any valid app name, but using the bundle ID prevents most issues with multiple versions of apps or apps having a different display name than what the system recognizes - If this is a valid URL, that URL will be opened. This can be used with url handlers of other applications, e.g.
- (Integer) If specified, the number of seconds Bunch will wait before calling the
value. Ifx-success
is a bundle ID, that app will be launched immediately but not activated until after the delay - Defaults to 1 (1 second)
# Open a bunch and then open Marked 2 after a 15-second delay
open 'x-bunch://open?bunch=Comms&x-success=com.brettterpstra.marked2&x-delay=15'
# Open iThoughts using its URL handler (default 1-second delay)
open 'x-bunch://open/Comms&x-success=ithoughts://'
Setting Frontmatter Values
With the open
and toggle
commands you can pass additional, arbitrary query parameters to set frontmatter keys. Simply append key/value pairs when calling:
This can be used to populate variables in the Bunch and its snippets at the time you call the url handler. For example, if you have a Bunch that contains an embedded snippet with a variable launch
Then normally that Bunch would launch Safari when it opens, as that’s the default value set in the snippet when launch
is undefined. If you call it with a value specified in the url handler, though, you can replace the default value:
Opening this URL will launch TextEdit instead of Safari. Variables defined in the query string override keys hard coded in the Bunch frontmatter. Variables defined on-the-fly by from script
or from file
frontmatter will still override query parameters.
Operating on Tagged Bunches
All methods that accept a bunch
parameter can instead receive a tag
parameter to operate on all Bunches matching a tag or tag combination. Multiple tags can be combined using a comma (,
) for OR, or a plus sign (+
) for AND.
# Single Tag
open 'x-bunch://toggle?tag=Tag1'
# Toggle Bunches matching both Tag1 AND Tag2
open 'x-bunch://toggle?tag=Tag1+Tag2'
# Toggle Bunches matching Tag1 OR Tag2
open 'x-bunch://toggle?tag=Tag1,Tag2'