I made a small update to the natural language date Service that I put together a while back. I wanted it to handle input formats like “+3” to get a date for 3 days from right now, and to handle adding times to the output if there’s a time-like string in the input.
Now you can use, for example:
date +5
long +21
short tomorrow 2pm
date thurs 3:15pm
Just a couple of tweaks because I found I needed them. The download has been updated (see bottom of post), and we’ll call it version 1.1.
p.s. I know I’ve been a little quiet on the blog lately, I’ve had my head buried in too many projects. Marked has some fantastic new features, though, including MarsEdit and VoodooPad support, as well as the ability to accept an entire folder as input and always preview the most recently-edited text file. The latter is perfect for nvALT and Jekyll blogs. Lots of writing to do for other projects, too, so there may be some more dead air. I’m not gone, I’m just making stuff.