Marked v1.3.2 has been uploaded and is waiting for review. This release, despite being an incremental version number, has some exciting new features. Here’s a preview of the changelog:


  • More careful when stripping javascript from the document
  • More responsive to a wider range of files/locations (Lion-only)
  • Moved TOC to toolbar button
  • Increased file size limit, offers a warning on large files


  • Save/Copy as RTF
  • Word count for selection
  • Word repetition visualization
  • Readability Statistics
  • Keyboard navigation
    • help hud (press “h” in preview) for navigation keyboard shortcuts
  • Option to disable SmartyPants typography extension
  • Updated multimarkdown executable to development version
    • Better handling of HTML5 elements
    • Fix for bold/emphasis handling in complex blocks

The new location of the Table of Contents avoids a lot of overlap concerns. When there are headers (h2-h6) in the document, a button will appear next to the gear menu (to the left) and clicking it will slide up a list of those headers. Clicking a header in the list will navigate the document to that header and temporarily highlight it.

The increased file size limit will allow massive text files to be loaded, presenting a warning about decreased performance one time.

Save/Copy as RTF should be handy for people composing emails and other documents in Marked. It will maintain most aspects of the current custom style when creating the Rich Text version. The Copy as RTF has a little trouble with blockquotes right now, and I’m not sure I can do much about it, but beyond that it’s a quick way to get your preview into another document.

Word count for selection is pretty darn nifty: when you make a selection with the mouse, a small popup at the mouse cursor location will tell you the word and character count for just the selected text.

Word repetition visualization allows you to see words repeated by paragraph or across the entire document. You can click on a bolded (repeated) word and dim everything else so that it’s easy to see where the repetitions are located. It uses a stemming algorithm so that various forms of the same word are dectected, including plurals and conjugations.

The keyboard navigation is fairly extensive, with home-key controls for scrolling, the ability to use up to nine numeric bookmarks for rapid return, navigation by header and more. Pressing “h” in the preview will show all available shortcuts.

Fletcher Penney has been really great about providing some updates to the MultiMarkdown processor to handle a few edge cases. People who’ve experienced rendering anomolies should be quite satisfied!

Readability statistics are experimental, but Marked attempts to provide a grade level and Fog Index for your document.

There are a few new options in Preferences to cover some more requests for control over the preview and rendering. I’ve also updated the help system and added a Markdown reference you can keep open while working.

It’s a big release with a little version number… I’ll update the Marked website and post here as soon as it’s approved. Special thanks to the beta testers and their great feedback on this version. Also, if you buy Marked now, all of these features will be yours for free when the update comes out!