Tunesque just popped up on my radar today. It’s a free utility that searches the iTunes store, Spotlight-style. It runs in your menubar, and when you enter a query it returns instant, as-you-type results from all areas of the iTunes Store, App Store and Mac App Store. Hovering over an item displays item details (the way Lion Spotlight does). With light and dark themes and the ability to filter what results you see (and from what country’s store they’re from), it’s about as configurable as you could ask an instant iTunes search to be. Very clever.
There are only two requests I have. First, a configurable shortcut for popping up the search would be nice. Not that I’d be using it so frequently that I’d have muscle memory attached to it, but for some reason I dislike clicking menubar icons. I think it’s too small a click target on a large screen. I digress. My second request is even more trivial: I’d love to control the sort order of the results. I might not want to remove Audiobooks from the result list, but I want it to show up last. Just a couple of thoughts, but certainly nothing that impedes usability.
When I say free, I mean totally free, no donations requested. There are affiliate links on the search results, so every time you buy something via Tunesque you’re helping the developers out. Not a bad deal. Grab it from its Solarized-flavored homepage.