Thanks to Sanebox for sponsoring again this week! I’ve been using it for years and I can’t imagine my email inbox without it.

Drowning in emails? Enter SaneBox — your lifesaver. It’s a VIP service that sifts through your inbox, separates the important from the trivial, and serves up a neat digest. It works with any email provider, saving you 12+ precious hours every month.

But that’s not all. Fed up with pesky marketers? SaneBlackHole sends them packing with one click. Worried about forgotten follow-ups? SaneReminders has got your back. Too many non-urgent emails? Just hit the SaneSnooze button. And those countless attachments? SaneAttachments organizes them in your Dropbox, Evernote, Box - you name it.

TechCrunch, Forbes, The New York Times, all vouch for it. Sign up today and save $25 on any subscription. It’s about time we tamed our inboxes.