Shell Tricks: halp – a universal help tool

I have a lot of aliases and functions in my terminal, in addition to the plethora of UNIX commands. If I’m not sure what the source of a command is, getting info on it can require multiple tries. First a check, then a or command to see if it’s custom, then a to see if I misspelled something, and so on. I eventually decided to just write an automated way to sift through those possibilities. bash, terminal

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Exercise and ADHD

I’ve been exercising a lot lately. As my issues with getting the meds I need have started to seem hopeless, I began using long walks to clear my mind. It helped. I lost 10 pounds and started being able to get about 60 solid minutes of work clocked per day, which is a huge step up from a few months of being able to handle about 30 minutes (elapsed) and not enough time to actually complete anything. personal

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