Marked 2.5.12, 13, 14, 15, 16…

There was over a year between Marked 2.5.10 and the 2.5.11 update I finally shipped on May 10th. That was way too long, and I realized I’d developed the habit collecting enough fixes, improvements, and new features to make it feel “justified” to release an update, even after I knew it was long past time to ship. That doesn’t fit with modern software practices, especially because it was ultimately an incremental release. marked, marsedit

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Dimpapers - Dimspirations for your Desktop

I don’t know what it is, but inspirational memes (and office posters) make me feel sad. Depressed. Sometimes annoyed or downright angry. Demotivational versions of the same, though, have always brought me joy. I don’t wallow in sadness or revel in insulting others, but the humor of them brightens my day. It reminds me that not everyone is simple enough to be inspired by a non-contextual quote or cute kitten, and that gives me hope. dimspirations, wallpaper

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Fellow Prismo: AeroPress Espresso(ish)

Very recently I discovered the Fellow “Prismo” (via Tools & Toys). It’s an attachment for the Aerobie AeroPress that makes espresso. Well, not technically espresso, but it has all of my favorite qualities of espresso and beats the “Doppio” order at Starbucks for quality and flavor1. coffee, fitness, review

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Marked 2.5.11 is live

Marked 2.5.11 has (finally) been birthed, available via automatic update for the direct version, Mac App Store update, and on Setapp. This is a big release, and has been in development for over a year1. Long pregnancy, but this release includes over 30 improvements/fixes, as well as a slew of new capabilities (full changelog). It’s the fastest, most powerful release of Marked 2 yet. I’d be grateful if you left a review on the MAS (or updated one)! appstore, css, macappstore, macos, markdown, marked, support

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