I’m excited to offer the next giveaway, 2 Universal Standard licenses ($199.99 value each) for OmniPlan. OmniPlan is the ultimate way to manage a project, seeing all of the moving parts at once with start and end dates for tasks, Gantt charts, support for automation workflows, and a project assistant to provide extra functionality. Multi-project dashboards make managing complex projects in your life/work a breeze. This giveaway is for a universal license that will cover you on macOS, iOS…
giveaway, macos
I’m excited to offer the next giveaway, 10 copies of Eloquent Javascript ($39.99 value each). Whether you’re just getting into web development or are an old hand, this book contains excellent knowledge and tips for Javascript developers. The latest edition updates for current web development practices and tools.
giveaway, macos
I’m excited to offer the next giveaway, 10 licenses ($15 value each) for Moom. Whether you know it yet or not, window management on a Mac can change your computing life. Imagine being able to fly windows into organized dimensions and locations with the click of a button or the press of a key. Moom is the best app for managing windows that I’ve found, and I get lost without it these days.
giveaway, macos
I recently revived Marky the Markdownfier. In case you missed it, Marky turns any web page into clippable Markdown for storage in notes/organization apps. And I could have left well enough alone, but there were a couple of quirks I wanted to fix. That led to… well, a complete ground-up rewrite of Marky. The old version and the old bookmarklets should continue to function, but the API at is completely overhauled to be more accurate and more versatile. The main UI at your choice of…
markdown, marky