nvALT 1.0.3 has been posted for automatic updates and direct download. If you’re already running nvALT (formerly Notational Velocity ALT), just go to the application menu and choose “Check for Updates” to get the latest version. Otherwise, download it from the project page.
notational velocity, notes
This is probably clearly documented somewhere, but it took me by surprise. If you have a full “attributed string” url in your clipboard (meaning you used ctrl-click “Copy Link”) and you pop up Notational Velocity and hit the Command-Shift-V shortcut, it will actually download all of the text of the page the link leads to, title it and insert the original url at the beginning?
notational velocity, nvalt, quicktip
I’d just like to put it out there, as someone will eventually: Notational Velocity ALT (henceforth referred to as nvALT) is turning into something antithetical to the original premise of Notational Velocity. I understand that, and I accept it.
cocoa, experiments, multimarkdown, notational velocity, objective-c, programming, textmate
HTML 5 innerShiv jQuery workaround for an IE html5 issue that a shiv can’t solve. See related gist, too. 25 Tips for Intermediate Git Users : Andy Jeffries A great “intermediate” guide to Git that was perfect for the level I’m at. If you’ve been using git successfully for a while, but know there’s more to it than you’ve mastered, check this out. Table Techniques Taught Tastefully (part 3) NSTableView tricks. elastic threads Notational Velocity fork…
After a few late nights of off-hours programming, I’m putting Notational Velocity ALT out as a version 1.0. Obviously built on the backs of others, I’m just giving it a versioning scheme of its own to make it easier to track my own updates. It does have the built-in updater pointed to my own servers now, so once you install it, updates will be available from within the app.
experiments, macos, markdown, multimarkdown, notational velocity
As usual with projects I didn’t plan to take as far as I did, my version numbering scheme is, well, stupid. With the next release I’m going to implement my own feed for automatic updates, so I’ll probably reset the versioning to something more incremental and sane. Anyway…
experiments, macos, markdown, multimarkdown, notational velocity, notes
I’m going to have to build a project page for this, and probably set up a separate Sparkle feed for updates on this fork. I had a few minutes while eating my peanut butter and jelly, so I’m posting a new build with a few changes:
experiments, markdown, multimarkdown, notational velocity