Wow, seriously, based on traffic this is the most popular project I’ve ever created

My weekend project turns out to be the most popular thing I’ve ever done, at least based on web traffic (besides that one thing that I don’t like to talk about). It’s had more pageviews in two days than my whole blog gets in a typical month, and I haven’t even officially announced the final page outside of Twitter. Insane. Seriously. ios, itexteditors, texteditor

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iOS text editor comparison update

There was an impressive response to the call for crowdsourced iOS text editor comparison. The “final” spreadsheet is available here (link updated to point to the new page). I froze it this morning as there were a lot of deletions happening that were breaking results. It was reverted to restore a few major deletions, and I did my best to replace individual additions and edits that happened since the restore point. If your edit/addition was lost or you have more to add, just contact me directly… ios, itexteditors, texteditor

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