I don’t know how much use this will be to anyone (even me after a one time need for it), but for posterity: a System Service1 that takes a templated block and builds a sequential list from it. It allows you to set start and end count and include modified (+/-) integers in the template.
This has probably been done before, but it didn’t show up on the first page of search results and it only took 15 minutes to write. It’s an adaptation of the Safari functionality in the OmniFocus Clipper, rebuilt for Google Chrome.
chrome, omnifocus
As much as I prefer Byword as my writing environment, there’s something hypnotically attractive about iA Writer’s blue caret. So, seriously, why wouldn’t I add that to the MarkdownEditing package for Sublime Text 2?
markdownediting, sublimetext
I was looking back through logs and posts and thinking about all of the half-baked projects I’ve spent my time on over the last few years. I started compiling a list and figured I’d post it for posterity. The following are the projects that stick out to me as either being pretty cool or, at the least, having potential.
Code, otask, personal
I’ve posted a much-needed update to my TextExpander Tools collection. About 60% of the snippets have been updated/repaired. You can find them all and subscribe or download them (and customize the prefixes) with my TE-snippet tool. If you’re currently subscribed to any of the Snippet groups, your snippets will update automatically. I didn’t change any shortcuts, but I removed some snippets that relied on no-longer-existing services and added a few new ones.
scripting, snippet, textexpander, tools
A while back I published a popup cheat sheet system for OS X called Cheaters. It was fairly popular, and I think there may be a few cheat sheets floating around that would be worth sharing.
I’ve added a couple of new API parameters to Marky to allow better nvALT clipping of web pages. First, if you’re not using the nvALT 2.2 beta, the url handler is “nvalt” instead of “nv”. Now you can specify an output type of “nvalt” instead of “nv” and get the right handler returned. I’d recommend, of course, just using the beta. It’s stable and happy.
markdown, marky, nvalt
I’ve started using Quix again, and have updated my custom Quix file accordingly. It started because Gleebox began misbehaving in Safari for me, and it doesn’t seem to be actively maintained any more. Then I ended up switching to Chrome as my primary browser, and Quix made the transition easy; all of my commands stayed the same.
quix, websurfing