Mountain Lion Notifications from Terminal with terminal-notifier

Via a post on OneThingWell, I discovered a new Ruby library and accompanying CLI called terminal-notifier. It allows you to quickly interface with Mountain Lion’s Notification Center from the command line. will be available as part of the filesystem-watching tool Kicker, but you can put it to use as a general notification system for Terminal right now. cli, macos, ruby, terminal

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wp_mangler, scripted post modification for WordPress

Here’s a quick script I was playing around with this morning. I want to do some extensive string handling on all of the posts in my WordPress database. It made the most sense to me to pull each post’s content from the db, do the string mangling with a shell script and then replace the post_content field as I go. This script is destructive and any mistakes you introduce could kill your entire blog. Should you have a need for this script, back up first! Wordpress, ruby, scripting

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