First, Slogger now has the native tagging I mentioned previously. Here’s how I chose to implement it (though this is up for discussion):
markdownediting, nvalt, slogger, tagging, wiki
Schedule jobs using launchd A great overview of , the system I use for all of my task scheduling (and what drives Slogger’s automation). It’s built into OS X, and if you hack around at all you should definitely familiarize yourself with this tool Dark Sky Alfred Extension I’m definitely converting this for LaunchBar. I think I’ll add a weather logger to Slogger, too, though probably with a more complete weather report and graphics… why am I brainstorming…
bookmarks, git, github, launchd
I’m still working on the Jekyll version of this site. It’s coming along1. Along the way I wanted a better-looking donation button, so I wrote a quick plugin to handle a Liquid tag:
jekyll, plugin, ruby
I did this last night, mostly as a joke. It’s a riff on CoughButton that just triggers some AppleScript to play a bell and make my PowerMate flash. It’s accessible from any web-enabled device on my network, so my wife can pick up her iPhone and summon me from anywhere in the house. It’s installable on the home screen, so I’m just two taps away at any given moment.
iphone, video
Day One recently got real tagging in the iOS apps, and it will be on the Mac version soon, as well. Slogger has been dutifully saving tags for you all this time, but I got it wrong. I used “@tags” and not the “#tags” that the developers eventually settled on. I should have known Twitter would win in the end1.
dayone, slogger, tagging
I just updated my trusty 1 script a little bit. Nothing major: some more colorful output and graceful error handling and cache updating when folders it’s recorded go missing. In the process, though, I realized how much I’ve come to love this little guy.
productivity, taskpaper, terminal
Ok, first, if you ever work with HTML or CSS and you haven’t seen Emmet yet, take a minute and check it out. I’ll wait.
cheaters, css, html, javascript, webdesign
It’s not the first time there’s been a great offering from ProductiveMacs, but the current bundle is awesome. It’ll set you back a mere $30, and includes multiple apps that cost that much on their own (and are worth more).
apps, deals, macos
I’m a little late posting this, but hey, it’s been a very busy day. I decided to cast the Systematic net a little wider this week, stepping out of straight tech and into organic farming. It’s about as far from the typical tech job as you can imagine: all mud and sweat, and only the occasional smartphone. My guest Chris Blanchard of Flying Rutabaga Works brings GTD and tech to other farmers. It’s awesome.
podcast, systematic