Loadbar for Übersicht

I recreated most of my current GeekTool desktop in Übersicht this morning. Übersicht (which I found via Patrick Welker) is a potential GeekTool replacement which uses WebKit and Node.js to generate “widgets” on your dekstop. As far as functionality goes, it’s not much better or worse than GeekTool or NerdTool. However, being able to style widgets with HTML and CSS opens up quite a few aesthetic possibilities. geeklet, ubersicht

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Recap: Aug 13th, 2014

Sponsor: MindNode 3 (Aug 7th) A big thanks to MindNode for sponsoring BrettTerpstra.com this week. If you’re looking for an elegant mind mapping solution for iOS and Mac with great sync, this is it. At least it’s not a telethon (Aug 8th) Thanks to everyone who’s helped out by offering some monthly support for the writing I do here! ezsnippets for Marked 2, text expansion on the fly (Aug 8th) A preprocessor script for Marked 2 (and a standalone System Service) that… recap

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