I think my gifts this year are thoughtful, well-considered, and appropriate, though my wrapping job belies the fact that I’ve never worked in a department store and apparently have not had much contact with adult scissors before.
christmas, personal, writing
This year at WWDC I ran into Curtis Herbert, who showed me an iPhone app he’d developed called Slopes. It’s records, analyzes, and shares stats collected during a day of snowboarding and/or skiing. Despite not being at all capable of winter sports, I was impressed enough with to write it up for TUAW. Version 1.4 was just released, and adds support for the latest iPhones and some great new features using new technologies in iOS 8.
appreview, ios
Marky the Markdownifier has seen an uptick in hits since Workflow came out and Federico Vitticci published a Markdownify Webpage workflow that uses it. I thought I should probably fix up a few things. There are still dozens of edge cases, but I fixed most of what’s been reported lately.
markdown, markdownifier, marky
This thing happened last night. Two people, both odd in very different ways, happened to get slightly intoxicated before they came together to record a podcast. A podcast already known for its random and chaotic thought processes.
overtired, podcast
CodeRunner 2 from Nikolai Krill is out, and it’s pretty awesome. In case you’re not familiar, CodeRunner is a Mac utility app that allows you to edit and test code live in a wide range of languages. If you write any kind of code and aren’t already a CodeRunner user, you’ll definitely want to get on board. Current users will appreciate a host of improvements:
appreview, programming, tools
iTextEditors continues to be one of the most popular destinations on this site, but it’s getting a little bit stale. I’ve kept it up to date with all of the submissions that come in, but I’ve seen a dozen new text editors come through the App Store that I haven’t had time to try out. I need a hand.
ios, ipad, iphone, itexteditors, text, texteditor
I’d like to thank Drobo for sponsoring BrettTerpstra.com this week. I use their line of storage solutions, as well as their Transporter line of products as an integral part of my backup, storage, and sync solutions.