Slopes 1.4 for winter sports lovers

This year at WWDC I ran into Curtis Herbert, who showed me an iPhone app he’d developed called Slopes. It’s records, analyzes, and shares stats collected during a day of snowboarding and/or skiing. Despite not being at all capable of winter sports, I was impressed enough with to write it up for TUAW. Version 1.4 was just released, and adds support for the latest iPhones and some great new features using new technologies in iOS 8. appreview, ios

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CodeRunner 2

CodeRunner 2 from Nikolai Krill is out, and it’s pretty awesome. In case you’re not familiar, CodeRunner is a Mac utility app that allows you to edit and test code live in a wide range of languages. If you write any kind of code and aren’t already a CodeRunner user, you’ll definitely want to get on board. Current users will appreciate a host of improvements: appreview, programming, tools

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